How to Repair the Rotation Sensor on a LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Motor
Do you have a LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 motor that stopped working? With a little ingenuity, you can repair it yourself!
Do you have a LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 motor that stopped working? With a little ingenuity, you can repair it yourself!
In Part 1, I explained the mechanics behind adjusting the CPU frequency on LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3. In this post, I have a new insight to share and and a new way to try it yourself. Undervolting In the last post, …
So, I discovered something quite interesting recently. LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 doesn’t actually have a 300MHz processor like it says in the specs. I actually has a 456MHz processor running at 300MHz. Don’t believe me? It is printed right on the …
I frequently see incorrect information floating around about “resetting” LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3. I would like to clear up a few things… The Official LEGO User Manual is Misleading The LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Users Guide gives the following instructions for resetting …
I needed to buy some more microSD cards for my growing collection of EV3s, BeagleBones and Raspberry Pis. There is surprisingly little information on the Internet about how to pick “the best” microSD card for these devices. And, what information …
microSD Card Benchmark for EV3 and Raspberry Pi 3 Read more »
It turns out that it is possible to connect Mindstorms EV3 motors directly to the BeagleBone Blue. So really, this is just a matter of creating an adapter cable. First, let’s talk about the LEGO Mindstorms motor connections. The NXT …
Using LEGO MINDSTORMS Motors with BeagleBone Blue Read more » has just released a new product called the BeagleBone Blue. It has the same processor as a BeagleBone Black, but is designed specifically for robotics and includes built-in Wi-Fi/Bluetooth, an accelerometer and motor controllers (and more). I was fortunate …
Mounting a BeagleBone Blue to Your LEGO MINDSTORMS Robot Read more »
Have you ever wished your BrickPi had a display so that you could see what is going on with your robot without having to be connected to a remote terminal? Well now you can. Adafruit sells a couple PiTFT displays that are compatible with BrickPi. This is the story of how I added one to my BrickPi.
Some (but not all) USB webcams will work on LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 running ev3dev. Fortunately, one of them is the camera from the LEGO Studios Steven Spielberg MovieMaker Set. The camera from the Vision Command set should have the same …
UPDATE: This post has been modified for the 2.0 DKMS package release (2015-02-14). Thanks to the ev3dev project, it is possible to use any LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 UART sensor on any kind of Linux with a serial port. I have …