Will Work For Sensors
I’ve been involved in the ev3dev project for almost a year now. Up to now, everything I have done has been on GitHub, but this is a more personal message, so posting it on my personal website. This is an open …
I’ve been involved in the ev3dev project for almost a year now. Up to now, everything I have done has been on GitHub, but this is a more personal message, so posting it on my personal website. This is an open …
Not much new since v0.5.0: Added feature to load comments from OpenSSH public key files Fixed Mono/Winforms issues in KeeAgent tab in Entry Setting If you haven’t already upgraded to v0.5.0, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST!
IMPORTANT: This version changes where settings are stored for individual password entries. If you downgrade KeeAgent to a previous version after using this version, your settings will be “lost”. Make a backup of your database(s) before installing. Changelog: “Unlock Database …
I have changed the content management system I use for the KeeAgent website. The new RSS feed address is http://lechnology.com/category/keeagent-news/feed/