Will Work For Sensors
I’ve been involved in the ev3dev project for almost a year now. Up to now, everything I have done has been on GitHub, but this is a more personal message, so posting it on my personal website.
This is an open offer to anyone interested in ev3dev. I will provide drivers in exchange for hardware. I don’t have a “regular” full-time job, so I have more time than most people to devote to this. Here’s how it works:
- You have a sensor or other device that you want to get working with ev3dev.
- You have posted an issue on GitHub asking about it. If no one steps up to the task, we will add a “HELP WANTED” tag to the issue.
- Contact me at the link above or the email on my GitHub profile and say that you would like me to get it working for you.
- I will send you my mailing address and you will send me the sensor (or whatever it is).
- I will make the thing work with ev3dev.
- You will be happy that it works now.
- I get to keep what you sent me in return for the that work I did.
Of course, if you are not happy or I cannot make it work, I will return what you sent me. Also, if it is a very expensive item (> $75 USD) and for a good cause (like FTC), I will probably be willing to do the work if you just loan me the hardware.